God Is...Jehovah-Shalom

Apr 11, 2019
Pastoral Care


Welcome to Grace Baptist Church's blog, where we delve into the profound nature of God's character. Today, we explore one of His incredible attributes: Jehovah-Shalom. As a Community and Society focused website, we believe in transforming lives and fostering faith. Join us in exploring how God, being Jehovah-Shalom, brings peace and tranquility into our lives.

Understanding Jehovah-Shalom

Growing up, we may have often associated peace with the mere absence of conflict. However, Jehovah-Shalom reveals a deeper truth. Peace, in its truest sense, is not just the cessation of turmoil, but an overwhelming sense of harmony, security, and well-being. It is a gift that only God can grant us.

The Meaning of Jehovah-Shalom

The name Jehovah-Shalom originates from the Hebrew words "Yahweh," which represents the personal name of God, and "Shalom," which means peace. When we combine these two powerful words, we encounter a divine revelation - God, the source and embodiment of perfect peace.

God's Promise of Shalom

Throughout the Scriptures, we witness God's promise of shalom to His people. In the Book of Isaiah, we read, "You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you" (Isaiah 26:3, NIV). These words assure us that when we place our trust in Jehovah-Shalom, our hearts and minds will be guarded with divine peace.

Experiencing Jehovah-Shalom

Now that we understand the meaning and promise of Jehovah-Shalom, let us explore how we can experience this profound peace in our lives.

1. Trusting in God's Sovereignty

When we willingly surrender our lives to God and trust in His sovereignty, we open ourselves up to His peace. Acknowledging that God holds all things together, we find solace in His unwavering control and care. In times of uncertainty, let us remember that Jehovah-Shalom is with us, calming our fears as we rest in His capable hands.

2. Seeking God's Presence

Experience the transformative power of seeking God's presence in your life. Spending time in prayer, studying His Word, and engaging in worship cultivates a deep spiritual connection with God. As we draw near to Jehovah-Shalom, He fills our hearts with a peace that surpasses all understanding.

3. Embracing Forgiveness and Reconciliation

Conflict and division can disrupt our peace both internally and within our relationships. However, embracing forgiveness and pursuing reconciliation aligns us with Jehovah-Shalom's heart. By extending grace and seeking harmony, we participate in the divine work of bringing peace to our lives and communities.

4. Fostering a Peaceful Community

As a Community and Society focused website, we believe in the power of unity and peace within our local communities. We encourage one another to embody the principles of Jehovah-Shalom by extending love, compassion, and understanding to those around us. Together, let's strive to create a harmonious environment for all to thrive.


Discover the transformative power of peace as we embrace God's attribute of Jehovah-Shalom. At Grace Baptist Church, we strive to deepen our understanding of God's character and the all-encompassing peace He brings into our lives. Remember, peace is not merely the absence of conflict, but a divine gift that allows us to flourish. Trust in Jehovah-Shalom and experience the peace that surpasses all understanding.

Tarieq Belford
This article provides a fascinating exploration of the attribute of Jehovah-Shalom, highlighting how God brings peace and tranquility into our lives. Such a comforting truth to hold onto!
Nov 8, 2023