Welcome to First UMC - Gainesville, FL - Our Story

Jan 1, 2020

About Grace Baptist Church

Grace Baptist Church is a place of spiritual growth, community, and faith. We are dedicated to providing a nurturing environment for individuals and families to connect with God and each other. Our church has a rich history and has been an integral part of the Gainesville, FL community for over 50 years.

Our History

First UMC - Gainesville, FL has a storied past that dates back to its founding in 1968. It all started with a small group of individuals who had a vision of creating a place of worship that would bring people together in faith and love. Over the years, our church has grown in both size and fellowship, but our core values and commitment to serving the community have remained unchanged.

Beliefs and Values

At Grace Baptist Church, we believe in the power of God's love and the teachings of Jesus Christ. Our faith is the cornerstone of everything we do, and it is reflected in our commitment to prayer, worship, and scripture. We strive to create an inclusive and welcoming environment where everyone feels accepted and valued, regardless of their background or beliefs.

Serving the Community

As a community-centered church, we are passionate about making a positive impact in the lives of those around us. Our various ministries, outreach programs, and volunteer opportunities allow us to serve the community in meaningful ways. From organizing food drives to offering support for those in need, we are dedicated to spreading love, compassion, and hope to all.

Engaging Worship Services

Our worship services are designed to uplift and inspire. Through heartfelt worship, powerful sermons, and engaging music, we create an environment where individuals can connect with God and experience His presence. Whether you join us for a traditional service or prefer a contemporary style, you'll find a place where your spirit can be nourished and your faith can grow.

Get Involved

Joining our community at Grace Baptist Church is easy and encouraged. We offer a range of opportunities for individuals of all ages to get involved, including Sunday school classes, Bible studies, and youth programs. Our church family is always ready to welcome new members with open arms and create connections that last a lifetime.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about First UMC - Gainesville, FL and Grace Baptist Church, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to serve and support you on your journey of faith.

Contact Information: Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx Email: [email protected] Address: 123 Main Street, Gainesville, FL, 12345