Mar 10, 2023

Welcome to CROSSKIDZ!

At Grace Baptist Church, we believe that nurturing the faith of children is essential in building a strong community centered around love, compassion, and spiritual growth. That's why we are delighted to introduce you to CROSSKIDZ!, a vibrant ministry dedicated to providing a nurturing environment for children to learn and grow in their faith.

Our Holistic Approach to Spiritual Development

At CROSSKIDZ!, we aim to provide a holistic approach to spiritual development that encompasses various aspects of a child's life. We believe that spiritual growth goes hand in hand with mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

Nurturing a Strong Foundation in Faith

We understand the importance of laying a strong foundation in faith from an early age. Our dedicated team of experienced teachers and volunteers are committed to creating a welcoming and engaging environment where children can explore their beliefs, ask questions, and deepen their understanding of God's love.

Engaging and Interactive Programs

Our programs are designed to captivate the hearts and minds of children through interactive lessons, engaging activities, and meaningful discussions. We encourage active participation, fostering a sense of belonging and a love for learning about the teachings of Jesus.

Building Lasting Friendships

CROSSKIDZ! is more than just a place to learn. It's a space where children can forge lasting friendships and build a supportive community of peers who share their faith. We organize regular events, outings, and retreats that encourage connection and fellowship.


If you're looking for a community that values the spiritual growth and well-being of your child, we invite you to join us at CROSSKIDZ!. We offer age-appropriate programs for children of all ages, from infants to teenagers. Regardless of where your child is on their spiritual journey, we are dedicated to walking alongside them every step of the way.

Infants and Toddlers

Even the youngest members of our community are important to us. In our infants and toddlers program, we provide a nurturing and safe environment where babies and young children can experience God's love through gentle care, music, and interactive play.

Elementary School

For children in elementary school, we offer engaging and age-appropriate teachings that bring biblical stories and lessons to life. Through creative activities, games, and group discussions, we help children develop a deeper understanding of their faith and how it applies to their everyday lives.

Middle and High School

Teenagers are faced with unique challenges, and at CROSSKIDZ!, we provide a supportive community where they can navigate these challenges while strengthening their faith. Our youth programs incorporate relevant discussions, mentorship, and opportunities for service, helping teenagers grow into resilient and compassionate young adults.

Connect with CROSSKIDZ!

If you're ready to join the CROSSKIDZ! community at Grace Baptist Church, we encourage you to reach out to us. We can provide more information about our programs, schedules, and upcoming events. We look forward to embarking on this spiritual journey with you and your child.

Contact Information

  • Phone: 123-456-7890
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Address: 123 Faith Street, Pensacola, FL 12345

Office Hours

Monday to Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Saturday: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Sunday: Closed